Brain injury Lawyer Orange CA

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    Brain Injury Lawyer Orange CA

    Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can be devastating. Not only do they cause physical, emotional, and psychological suffering, but they also can take a toll on the financial well-being of victims and their families. If you or someone you love has suffered a TBI due to the negligence of another in Orange, CA, an experienced brain injury lawyer may be able to help. Let’s explore the ins and outs of traumatic brain injuries and how an Orange, CA attorney can help you get the full compensation you deserve for your losses.

    What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

    A traumatic brain injury is any type of blow or jolt to the head that disrupts normal brain functioning. TBIs range from mild concussions to severe injuries that may result in long-term or permanent disability. The most common cause of a traumatic brain injury is a motor vehicle accident but falls and sports-related collisions are also major contributors.

    How Do I Prove a Brain Injury?

    If you believe that someone else’s negligence caused your TBI, it is important to establish your case as soon as possible by seeking medical attention and legal assistance right away.

    brain injury lawyer

    Your doctor will begin by conducting tests such as imaging scans (CT scan), EEG (electroencephalogram), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), PET scan (positron emission tomography), and SPECT scan (single photon emission computed tomography) to determine the severity of your head injury. They may also use the Glasgow Coma Scale to assess your level of consciousness and determine if there is any physical damage to your skull or underlying tissue.

    Guidelines from the Department of Defense

    Our qualified team will draw on their expertise in Department of Defense Guidelines for documentation and evaluation of brain injuries to assess your case and build an effective legal strategy. We are committed to providing Orange, CA families with the best possible legal counsel during this difficult time.

    brain injury lawyer

    GCS – Glasgow Coma Scale

    The Glasgow Coma Scale is a tool that has been developed to accurately measure the extent of brain injury. This scale evaluates cognitive, motor, and verbal responses among other components as well as assesses individual or overall level of consciousness in patients admitted due to head injury. By relying on this reliable measurement system and with additional records from medical tests and reports, patients who are claiming a brain injury can establish their grounds for filing claims or seeking compensation for damages caused by such injuries.

    Neuroimaging Tests

    Proving a brain injury can be difficult, especially if someone is trying to quantify the extent of damage. Fortunately, there are specific tests available that can help diagnose and evaluate a brain injury including neuroimaging tests. This type of test uses various forms of radiology, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans, to get an image of the structure and functioning of the brain. Doctors use these images to diagnose disorders or injuries and measure their severity. Neuroimaging tests may also include positron emission tomography (PET) scans and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans where radioactive substances are injected into the bloodstream to examine neural activities in certain parts of the brain. Knowing the neurological results can help assess cognitive functions like memory, attention span, learning capabilities, motor skills, sensory perception, and other important skills impacted by a certain condition or concussion or traumatic brain injury.

    Different Types of Brain Injuries?

    ​​Brain injuries come in many forms including concussions, contusions, hematomas, diffuse axonal injuries, coup-contrecoup injuries, penetrating wounds, and more. Depending on the type and severity of injury sustained, symptoms may include confusion, nausea/vomiting, slurred speech/difficulty communicating thoughts clearly, behavioral changes such as aggression or withdrawal from activities previously enjoyed prior to the accident/incident causing TBI, dizziness/loss of balance, etc. It is important for victims who have suffered any type of head trauma to seek medical attention immediately after an incident as there could be serious consequences if not treated properly right away!

    Open Head Injury

    Open head injuries are a serious medical condition that requires immediate and specialized attention. These head injuries occur when an object penetrates the skull, leading to possible bleeding, infection, or brain damage. An open head injury must be treated immediately to reduce the chances of long-term damage. Treatment includes stabilizing the patient, assessing the severity of the injury, controlling bleeding and infection, and conducting scans to check for any internal damage. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of open head injuries in order to identify them early on and get proper medical care as soon as possible. If not treated right away, victims can suffer severe complications including death due to extreme trauma.

    Closed Head Injury

    A closed head injury is a traumatic brain injury resulting from a blow to the head by an object or from striking the head on a hard surface. It can have a range of effects including confusion, weakness, and even unconsciousness, depending on the severity. If not treated quickly, these injuries can cause permanent disability or even death. Many athletes suffer a closed head injury due to contact sports and they need to be aware of the signs, such as headache or dizziness, so they can seek medical attention immediately.


    A closed head injury, specifically a concussion, can be a debilitating affliction. A concussion is caused by a blow or jolt to the head, which changes the brain’s electrical activity temporarily. This can potentially lead to long-term physical, psychological, and neurological damage if not treated correctly. The symptoms of a concussion may include headaches, dizziness, and confusion, as well as difficulty focusing on tasks and memory lapses. If a person experiences any of these symptoms following an accident that involves an impact on the head, it is extremely important for them to seek medical care immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Prompt diagnosis followed by appropriate rest and rehabilitation will help people recover from concussions in the safest and most efficient manner possible.

    Epidural Hematoma (EDH)

    One type, epidural hematoma, is caused by a sudden jolt or impact to the head which causes a blood vessel to rupture between the scalp and the cranium. As a result, blood begins to collect around the outside of the brain and put pressure on it, which can have catastrophic consequences if not treated right away. Fortunately, with emergency treatment and surgery, individuals suffering from epidural hematoma usually make an excellent recovery. It is therefore important that any case of suspected or diagnosed closed head injury be taken extremely seriously and proper medical attention sought out as soon as possible in order to improve prognosis outcomes.

    Subdural Hematoma (SDH)

    One of the more severe types of CHI is Subdural Hematoma (SDH), which occurs when blood vessels in the space between the brain and its protective covering tear, leading to an accumulation of pooled blood and increased intracranial pressure. Diagnosis of SDH consists primarily of imaging tests such as Computed Tomography (CT) scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans, or Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). Symptoms can vary depending on where and how much blood has accumulated but may include headache, confusion, drowsiness, seizures, neck pain, and blurred vision. If a patient receives proper treatment quickly, they may be able to make a full recovery without any lasting side effects; however if left untreated or not attended to promptly enough, SDHs can lead to permanent disability or even death.

    Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH)

    Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) is one of the most serious forms of closed-head injury. It occurs when a weakened blood vessel ruptures, with dangerous consequences. Symptoms of ICH can include headache, nausea and vomiting, seizures, drowsiness and changes in consciousness, confusion, and weakness or paralysis on one side of the body. If left untreated, it may result in loss of brain function or even death. Diagnosis is usually made with CT scans or MRI tests, although lumbar puncture and angiography may also be necessary for confirmation. Treatment for ICH typically consists of surgery to remove the accumulated blood along with medications to help control swelling and bleeding. Long-term prognosis is heavily dependent upon factors such as severity and promptness of treatment; however early attention can lead to better outcomes for patients suffering from this type of closed head injury.

    Cerebral Contusion

    A closed head injury known as a cerebral contusion is an injury to the brain caused by blunt force trauma such as a car accident or falling and hitting your head. This type of injury is a form of traumatic brain injury and can be quite severe. Symptoms of a cerebral contusion include headaches, dizziness, nausea, confusion, difficulty concentrating, obesity, and poor decision-making. If left untreated, a cerebral contusion could lead to more serious medical issues including memory loss, cognitive impairment, and even seizures. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if any signs or symptoms of head trauma are present. Appropriate medical treatment can reduce the risk of long-term health effects from the initial trauma.

    Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

    Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) is a type of trauma to the brain that is caused by a sudden acceleration or deceleration of the head. It occurs most frequently after motor vehicle accidents, falls, and assaults. DAI can cause microscopic tearing of axons in the white matter of the brain which can lead to devastating deficits in speech, memory, physical function, and cognition. If neurological recovery does not occur within 6 months following onset, persistent disability is expected. Unfortunately, there are currently no effective treatments for DAI other than maintaining optimal medical care and rehabilitation in order to promote the best possible recovery outcomes.

    Skull Fracture

    A closed head injury is a trauma to the head that does not involve an opening in the skull. One of the types of closed head injuries is a skull fracture, which occurs when there is a break in one of the cranial bones. A skull fracture can cause brain tissue swelling and increased blood pressure in the arteries of the head. Although many skull fractures are considered mild, it’s important to get medical attention right away, as they can become worse over time and increase the risk of complications like cerebral edema or seizures. Treatment typically involves rest and medications, such as pain relievers or antibiotics if needed; surgery may be necessary for severe fractures depending on the type. Overall, it’s essential for individuals with a suspected skull fracture to seek professional help for effective management.

    Linear Skull Fracture

    A linear skull fracture occurs when there is a break in the skull bone that appears as a straight line. It is often the result of blunt force being applied to the head, such as in the case of a closed head injury. Although the incidence of more serious complications from this type of injury can range widely, it is still important to seek prompt medical help whenever a linear skull fracture occurs. In addition to physical symptoms like swelling and tenderness at the site of impact, other potential symptoms may include headaches and nausea. If left untreated, more serious conditions may result in long-term damage or disability. Taking precautions to prevent injuries like these is essential for protecting your brain and diminishing the chance of additional trauma down the road.

    Depressed Skull Fracture

    A depressed skull fracture, a type of closed head injury, occurs when the outer layer of the skull is crushed inward due to a blunt force or trauma. Complications can vary depending on the severity of the injury, but they often include intracranial bleeding and swelling, decreased consciousness and motor abilities, seizures, and long-term emotional and mental health problems. In extreme cases, a bone flap may need to be surgically removed or replaced to prevent further damage. Surgery also may be required to relieve pressure on the brain. Treatment provided in both the short-term and long-term following a depressed skull fracture is essential in order to minimize any serious side effects of such an injury.

    Basilar Skull Fracture

    A closed head injury, such as a basilar skull fracture, is a serious medical condition that occurs when blunt trauma forces the skull to make contact with the underlying brain. This type of injury can have debilitating physical, cognitive, and emotional effects, ranging from hearing loss to balance problems. In severe cases, cerebral swelling or damage to the brain’s blood vessels can occur. Because symptoms may not be immediately apparent, it is important that individuals who experience head trauma receive prompt medical attention even if they feel well at first. If these injuries are undiagnosed or treated improperly, long-term complications can arise and affect an individual’s day-to-day life for years beyond their initial injury.

    Causes of Serious Head Injuries in Orange, CA

    Traumatic brain injuries are most commonly caused by falls, car accidents, sports-related activities, or any other type of impact where an individual’s head comes into contact with a hard surface or object. These types of injuries can range from mild to severe depending on the force of impact.

    How are Traumatic Brain Injuries Diagnosed?

    A doctor will typically begin by conducting a physical exam to determine if there are any visible signs of injury such as bruising or swelling around the head area. The doctor will also look for any neurological signs such as confusion or difficulty speaking clearly. Other tests such as MRI scans or CT scans may be ordered to identify any internal damage to the brain.

    What Are Brain Damage Symptoms?

    The symptoms associated with traumatic brain injuries vary greatly depending on the severity of the injury and its location within the brain. Common symptoms include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, memory problems, difficulty concentrating and communicating, mood swings, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In some cases, more severe symptoms may occur such as seizures or paralysis on one side of the body.

    What Is the Best Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injuries?

    Individuals who have suffered a TBI must seek immediate medical attention so that they can receive proper treatment and avoid long-term complications such as permanent disability or death. Treatment typically includes medications to reduce swelling in the brain and alleviate pain; physical therapy; occupational therapy; speech therapy; psychological counseling; and recreational therapy. Depending on the severity of the injury additional treatments may be necessary including surgery or rehabilitation services at a specialized facility designed for TBI patients.

    How Can an Orange, CA Brain Injury Lawyer Help Me?

    Orange, CA residents have top-quality legal aid at their fingertips with the Orange, CA Brain Injury Lawyers at Vahdat Law Firm. Our lawyers specialize in providing compassionate and experienced representation for victims of traumatic brain injury who are seeking compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering. Our brain injury lawyers are knowledgeable about all applicable laws and regulations about Orange, CA brain injury cases and have an impressive track record of successful results. We believe that no one should suffer a serious brain injury without being compensated for the effects that it brings to their life, which is why we will zealously represent each client’s case until justice has been served. With the expertise of Vahdat Law Firm’s Orange, CA Brain Injury lawyers, clients can rest assured knowing they will receive strong advocacy toward a positive result.


    How Do I Know if I Need a Brain Injury Lawyer in Orange, CA? If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury due to someone else’s negligent behavior then you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses such as medical bills lost wages pain and suffering emotional distress etc An experienced Orange, CA brain injury lawyer from Law Offices of Sean S Vahdat & Associates can help evaluate your case determine if negligence was involved build your claim file it with insurance companies conduct negotiations with insurance adjusters represent you in court if necessary, etc Hiring an experienced brain injury lawyer is essential because navigating California’s legal system can be complex time-consuming confusing and emotionally draining However having an experienced advocate by your side every step of the way makes all difference when seeking justice for traumatic brain injuries suffered as result in another person’s negligence Contact us today for more information about how we help victims suffering from TBI’s get justice they deserve!

    FAQs for Vahdat Law Firm, a Brain Injury Lawyer in Orange, CA

    Vahdat Law Firm specializes in various types of brain injury cases, including traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) resulting from accidents, medical malpractice, or other incidents. We are experienced in handling complex brain injury claims.

    Brain injuries can have profound and long-lasting consequences. Hiring an attorney ensures that your rights are protected and you have a dedicated advocate who can help you seek compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation, and other losses related to your injury.

    Following a brain injury, seek medical attention promptly and follow your treatment plan. Document the incident and any relevant information. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your legal options and safeguard your rights.

    Compensation in brain injury cases considers factors such as medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future care needs. Our legal team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, negotiate with insurance companies, and work to secure the maximum compensation available.

    We work on a contingency fee basis, which means there are no upfront fees. You only pay legal fees if we successfully recover compensation for your case. This allows you to access experienced legal representation without financial burden.