What is Premises Liability? 

Premises liability is an area of personal injury law that holds property owners responsible for injuries sustained by visitors on their properties. This includes all types of properties, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and public buildings. The owner must ensure that their property is safe for visitors who are legally allowed to be on their property.  

Types Of Premises Liability Cases

There are various types of cases which can fall under premises liability such as slip & falls accidents, inadequate security cases (where one has been attacked due to lack of security), construction accidents (where workers have been injured due to unsafe working conditions) etc.. 

Proving In Premises Liability Cases 

In order for you to win your case successfully you will need evidence such as medical records showing how you were injured as well as photographs/videos taken at scene etc., witnesses who saw what happened etc..   

Main Elements of Premises Liability 

When bringing a premises liability claim there are several elements which must be proven in order for the plaintiff to be successful in court. These elements include legal status of a visitor, the owner’s duty of care, negligence and causation.  

Legal Status of a Visitor 

Legal Status Of A Visitor

The first element that needs to be established when bringing a premises liability claim is the legal status of the visitor at the time they were injured. Depending on this status, different duties may apply to the owner or occupier of the property. There are three types of legal statuses which can be applied in these cases: invitee, licensee and trespasser. Invitees have been invited onto the property for business purposes such as customers or contractors and are owed the highest duty of care by owners or occupiers; licensees have been given express or implied permission to enter but for social purposes; and trespassers enter without permission from anyone with authority over the land. 

The Owner’s Duty Of Care 

The second element needed when bringing a premises liability claim is demonstrating that there was a breach in duty by showing that there was something wrong with either the state or condition of their property which should have been fixed sooner than it was or should not have occurred in the first place. This could involve showing that proper maintenance was not done such as ensuring pathways were free from obstructions or dangerous materials were not present onsite etc. 


The third element needed when bringing a premises liability claim is demonstrating negligence by proving that there was some kind of act or omission by either an individual or organization which caused harm to another individual due to lack of reasonable care being taken towards them. This could involve demonstrating how someone failed to warn others about potential dangers onsite or did not clean up spills etc., resulting in someone slipping or tripping over them resulting in injury Damages 


The fourth element needed when bringing a premises liability claim is proving damages suffered due to this incident such as medical bills, lost wages from inability to work during recovery period etc.. Causation 


The fifth element required when bringing a premises liability claim is demonstrating causation between your injury and what happened on site i.e., proving that what happened directly caused your injury rather than any other external factors contributing towards it.


Premises Liability claims can involve various elements depending on each individual situation but all will require proof showing negligence/breach in duty/damages incurred etc., so make sure you have gathered enough evidence before proceeding with your case if you believe you may have grounds for one!

In order for property owners to avoid facing a premise liability claim filed by others, they should always maintain the good condition of their property. In addition, these owners should always make sure that the people who will go inside their premises will be safe from harm.

If you believe you may have grounds for such a case then contact an experienced attorney who specializes in this field today like Vahdat Law Firm in Orange County, California! They can help guide you through every step so don’t hesitate- get started now! We take pride in defending the rights of our clients under the laws of our great nation.