Orange County Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

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    Orange County Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

    A spinal cord injury is a devastating event that can cause long-term physical and emotional consequences. It can drastically change your life, leaving you unable to return to your job or activities you used to enjoy. It’s important to understand the causes of spinal cord injuries, their symptoms, different types of injuries, and the best course of action for victims. This blog will discuss all these topics in detail.

    What Is a Spinal Cord Injury?

    A spinal cord injury occurs when any type of trauma affects the vertebrae or spinal discs located in the neck and back region. It can be caused by a sudden blow that fractures or dislocates vertebrae, stretching of the nerve fibers within the spine, or damage due to a tumor or infection. The most common cause of spinal cord injuries is motor vehicle accidents.

    Personal injury lawyer

    Most Common Causes of Spinal Injury Cord Injuries in Orange County

    In Orange County, motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of spinal cord injuries (SCI). According to statistics provided by the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), motor vehicle accidents accounted for over 37% of SCIs reported between 2017 and 2018. Other common causes include falls (31%), acts of violence (15%), sporting activities (11%) medical errors (4%), and other causes such as medical conditions, infections and tumors (2%).

    What are the Symptoms of a Spinal Cord Injury

    The severity of symptoms varies depending on where on the spine an injury occurs and how much damage is done. Generally speaking, symptoms can include loss or decrease in sensation below the level of injury, loss or decreased function below the level at which an injury occurred including bladder/bowel control problems, pain/stiffness/spasms throughout body but particularly at site of injury, difficulty breathing without assistance, fatigue/changes in temperature regulation/sweating patterns/skin changes due to autonomic dysreflexia (AD), difficulties with balance/coordination/walking ability due to muscle weakness and sensory deficits., trouble sleeping due to pain/discomfort etc.


    There are four main types of spinal cord injuries – paraplegia (injury above T1), quadriplegia (injury below C3), central cord syndrome (injury between C3-T1) and Brown-Sequard Syndrome (hemisection at any level). Paraplegia affects lower body movement while Quadriplegia affects both upper and lower body movement; both may also experience paralysis on one side depending on severity. Central Cord Syndrome is typically seen after whiplash type trauma; it results in paralysis on one side while Brown-Sequard Syndrome results from an incomplete lesion causing partial paralysis on both sides as well as sensory issues below level at which it occurred.

    5 Things You Should Know After A Spinal Cord Injury Has Occurred

    1. Seek medical attention immediately if you think you have been injured
    2. Get a diagnosis from your doctor about what type of injury you have sustained
    3.Follow your doctor’s instructions for rehabilitation
    4. Consult with an attorney who specializes in spinal cord injury cases
    5. Start planning for long-term care if necessary

    Why is it important to hire an Orange County spinal cord attorney if you are a SPINAL CORD INJURY VICTIM

    If you have been injured because someone else was negligent then it’s important that you seek legal advice from an experienced attorney who understands how difficult this type of case can be. An experienced lawyer will be able to advise you on what steps need to be taken next such as filing a lawsuit against those responsible for causing your injury so that you may get compensation for damages incurred as well as securing long-term care if necessary.

    How Can A Personal Injury Attorney Help Spinal Cord Injury Victims in Orange County

    When facing a spinal cord injury, victims in Orange County need to put their trust in a qualified Orange County spinal cord attorney. At the Law Offices of Sean S Vahdat & Associates, we understand that these unfortunate injuries require extensive medical treatment and ongoing care to achieve the best possible outcome. From an emotional standpoint, victims also may face challenges from financial hardship, reduced mobility, and loss of independence. With this in mind, the compassionate and experienced Orange County spinal cord attorneys at The Law Offices of Sean S Vahdat & Associates are dedicated to helping spinal cord injury victims resolve their legal cases. A personal injury attorney can assist with pre-settlement litigation funding, handle insurance disputes, and ensure victims receive appropriate compensation as quickly as possible. We have specialized experience in assisting injured people throughout Orange County which could mean the difference between obtaining justice and being taken advantage of by insurance companies. Contact us today if you or someone you know is a victim of a spinal cord injury; we’d be privileged to guide you through your case so that proper legal action is taken for justice.

    How Much Is A Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuit Worth in California?

    Spinal cord injury victims in Orange County, California may be facing a difficult recovery process and an array of related legal issues. It is essential for these victims to hire an experienced spinal cord injury attorney from Orange County in order to ensure their rights are fully defended and all potential sources of compensation secured. A spinal cord injury lawyer can assess the facts of your case and provide advice on how best to seek resolution with the responsible party. An important part of dispute resolution could involve a spinal cord injury lawsuit being filed in California. The experienced spinal cord injury lawyers at our Orange County firm can help you obtain the maximum settlement for your spinal cord injury by first understanding how much a spinal cord injury lawsuit is worth in California. Contact our spinal cord injury lawyers today to discuss your case and create a strategy that meets your unique needs.